
What is “The Melange”?

The word “Melange” refers to an assortment of disparate and often incongruous elements, much like the journey through life itself. There is so much to explore, to learn, to discover, to understand, and hopefully when my time comes, to leave behind. This particular melange belongs to me, and I wish to fill it with everything I fall in love with, from math, science, tech to introspective philosophy and poetry, with no defined goal or destination in mind.
Tolkien once said, “Not all who wander are lost.”
Perhaps, one must wander to not be lost.

About Me


In a letter to a friend, Anton Chekhov once wrote,
“Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my mistress. When I get fed up with one, I spend the night with the other.”
I have learnt much from Chekhov and just like him have fostered many passions. Legally hitched to Computer Science, I spend my days researching ways to harness the potential of AI in Industrial Control, and the rest of my time exploring whatever fascinates me at that moment. These days, it is understanding machine learning through a probabilistic perspective, reading about cold war espionage, learning how to play a few chord on my guitar, and trying to cook well. Truth be told, these distinctions into subjects and topics and hobbies are a decidedly human intervention. Nature knows no such bounds, and in that regard I am but a stubbornly curious man finding joy in learning more about this universe, and in doing so perhaps learn something about the small corner of the existence, I call me.